Earn passive income sharing unused internet

Easily earn passive income by sharing the unused internet data on your devices.

Earn Money Passively
Earn Money Passively

Passive App is feature in major publications such as

Trustpilot Logo

Javier Vázquez Rodríguez

“ I installed Passive App and I've been able to make enough to pay for a few of my hobbies each month, including my coffee! It's passive, and I just set back and let it do it's thing. There isn't no need to do anything, and I even forget that it's running!”

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Javier Vázquez Rodríguez

“ I installed Passive App and I've been able to make enough to pay for a few of my hobbies each month, including my coffee! It's passive, and I just set back and let it do it's thing. There isn't no need to do anything, and I even forget that it's running!”

Trustpilot Logo

Javier Vázquez Rodríguez

“ I installed Passive App and I've been able to make enough to pay for a few of my hobbies each month, including my coffee! It's passive, and I just set back and let it do it's thing. There isn't no need to do anything, and I even forget that it's running!”

Your estimated monthly earnings


Select Your Country


* Income Earnings are dependent on the amount of traffic your devices share.
* Earnings can be withdrawn once you’ve earned $5.

Ready to start earning passively?

What factors influence how much I earn?

Your Geolocation

Our clients need access to locations across the globe, which means you can earn with Passive no matter where you are.

Amount of Residential IPs

The more unique Residential IP addresses you add to your devices, the higher your traffic will be, leading to increased earnings.

Your network

Your ping and internet connection speed do have a minor impact on the amount of traffic assigned to you.

Easy and safe to generate passive income

Your Data is Safe

None of your personal information is accessed or collected other than your email for registration purposes & IP address

Easy to Install

We make PasiveApp easy to install and run. Run it on all of your devices on Windows, Linux, Android, or iOS and start earning.

Vetted Clients

Our clients are world renowned businesses that use Passive to collect public web data across the web.

Recognized as safe to use by
Kaspersky Logo
McAfee Logo
Microsoft Defender


Download Passive App on all your devices to maximize your earnings